with 3 Insight Board Coaching Sessions & hands on Insight Board Card Pack

This is a rare opportunity to learn direct from the founder of this self empowerment method.

Perfect for you If:

Your mind is a fog and you dont know what to do

You are ready for change but you dont know what you want

You prefer to "keep your cards close to your chest"

You want to know what's next after vision boards.

You have been there and done that when it comes to personal development but you are still feeling lost.

You've got to make some decisions and dont want other people to tell you what to do.

You are done with people pleasing!

Insight Boards awaken your own wisdom. They are gentle, empowering and healing and are particularly helpful if you are no longer sure who to trust or who to believe to help or guide you.

So many opinions, so much advice, do this dont do that, who will you choose to listen to?

The difference between a vision board and an insight board is a vision board puts the stake in the ground for where you want to get to; an insight board signposts your journey and guides you to know how to overcome obstacles (with or without a vision board).

“Wow! My first insight board made me realise ...

... that instead of being paid to look after other peoples gardens and then spend that money on food (and have not a lot left over), I could use my skills to plant my own veggies to feed me and my son, Furnace AND sell the left overs at market AND use my private gardening earnings for our other living expenses! ….so we went home and planted a veggie garden!”

“My Insight Board was all about what I needed to do to bring balance into my life. At first I thought the shhhhhhh image was about my
childhood conditioning; me being told to be quiet as a child, but
then I realised it was guiding me to be silent and go inwards, which
is exactly what has happened since I created it, and now I am
feeling very peaceful inside.”

Before your session...

Please answer below to help guide your coaching session.